Florist Job – Get the #1 Insider Tip For a Successful Career Choice

Choosing a career as a florist is quite commendable. A florist job is the type of job where you have the unique ability to positively impact every person who receives your floral arrangements. People are very grateful when receiving flowers, so if it’s you doing the creating then you know that you’ve brightened someone’s day. In addition you get to work in an environment that is fast paced, filled with colorful blossoms, fresh floral fragrances and typically a pleasant work place.

Goodluck Florist, Lower Parel - Florists in Mumbai - Justdial

It doesn’t require a college degree to become a florist. In fact, some people actually became florists by making the decision to open a flower shop and start selling floral arrangements. However, most have either worked in a flower shop first before becoming a florist or went to floral school to learn how to be a florist. If you have no previous experience, then it is recommended that you either find a florist to work for or you enroll in a floral school to learn all the basics

To become a great florist you should be a creative and artistic type of individual along with having a love of flowers. You will need to understand and apply the principles of color design, shape, and theory. You will need to learn and know the properties of different flowers, plants, and foliages so as to utilize them appropriately in arrangements. Your personality and attitude must be positive, as you will interface with customers on a regular basis. Also, in some flower shops you will be required to work as part of a team. There will be moments and times when you will be required to work in high pressure situations – most notably is Valentine’s Day, Weddings and Funerals.